Friday, November 19, 2010

Monday, October 12, 2009


ε-(´・`) フー
But now i' being forced: いきます!おちわたしwill continue

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



I have Ni problems! Ichi: watashi no ji ja arimasen!
Ni: I can't figure out how to switch to hiragana on my Komputer! Maybe it is because i always do this blogging VERY LATE in the Ban!!!!

ANYWAY! i will figure out the Hiragana (by asking my super AWESOME jap classmates) tomorrow!

And this weekend I will spend like 2 hours straight just blogging! It is a promise!
Maybe Fo can help me after we complete our super awesome Ewan McGregor Peanut Butter Fest!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

GAH!!!!! HOMEWORK =!!!

So much Homework! I wanted to do ALOT of blogging but i have NO TIME!!! SIGH! DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

why i am studying japanese continued

Ok! So for some reason my last post was cut off!!!! Here is the rest of what I have to say:

I <3 my teacher, Hamada Sensei! Sometimes the class is a bit overwhelming..there is just so much information! All in all though, I am really enjoying it and look forward to continuing!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why I am Studying Japanese!

I am super excited to be studying Japanese!
I have always been interested in japanese culture, language, and food :D. I also have a bit of a fetish for japanese stationary which is far superior to American. I addition, the jujitsu classes I have taken for the last two years have reinforced my interest in the japanese culture!
More than that, I am determined to study abroad during my college career, and there is no place I would rather study than Japan. In order to do so, I would say it is more than moderately important (try critical) to be able to communicate in Japanese! Hopefully by the time I plan to study abroad (as a junior), I will be able to!
So far I have really enjoyed my class! I find all of the new concepts exciting and i <3>


わたしわColumbiaだいがくのいちねんせいです。わたしわのせんこenvironmental scienceとpolitical scienceです。じゅななさいです。
あめりかじんです。かれきましてNew York。